Frugal Happenings Volume 3

This week I...

*Received another coupon for a free Coke.

*Signed up for a free subscription to Traditional Home magazine

*Took a survey and received a $15 credit to Barefoot Books which I used to order my niece a book (will use it for a gift).

*Answered a one-question survey from PollBuzzer and received $1 via Paypal (hey, every bit counts!! ).

*Signed up for a free roll of toilet paper (!!).

*Received a check from one of my jobs and submitted another invoice.

*Received a coupon for a free full-sized VS body spray which I picked up during a mall run.

*Called about a $400+ bill that I received from my doctor's office.  After comparing it to a previous bill, it seemed I had already paid those charges.  Sure enough, I was right!!!  Always look those medical bills over!!

*Made some more laundry soap with ingredients I already had.


Wow. These are great things and the coke.... :)

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