That Time I Used a Coupon That I Found In My Yard

I think this post will really demonstrate the depth of my money-saving insanity.  It also shows how important vigilance is when wanting to save money.

A few weeks ago, I headed outside to mow my yard.  I do not enjoy mowing my yard, but my very nice neighbors start to worry that I can't handle it as soon as a week goes by and evidently my yard has been the topic of conversation on a couple of occasions...but that's a story for another blog post.

I live in the middle of the city where people seem to enjoy littering, so a fair amount of junk ends up in my yard.  I try to go through and pick up said junk so that I don't tear up my mower.  On this particular junk-finding mission, I saw a little piece of paper and picked it up.  It was a coupon for .45 off any size Angel Soft toilet paper.  Hmm, I thought.  Dillons was still doubling coupons at that time (RIP double coupons).  I set the coupon aside.

The next time I went to Dillons, I found a four pack of toilet paper for $1.19.  With the double coupon, it cost me .29.  Not bad for junk that I found in my yard!!


Anonymous said…
I love stories like this!
I say why not! If you saw 45 cents out there you would have picked it up. :) We frugal types who use coupons know that, for something you would buy anyway, coupons=money.

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