Merry Christmas From the Frugal Shrink

             "We celebrate a baby born from Spirit into man."
                                                                  -John Denver, Christmas Like a Lullaby

Yes, indeed, John Denver.

I'm wishing you all a most happy Christmas and hoping that you all have  a wonderful day.  If you are spending the holidays alone, please take time to take care of yourself.  If you are spending the holidays with family, please don't punch anyone in the face.

And now I leave you with a photo pilfered from my mother- a baby Frugal Shrink and her older brother on a visit to Santa.  Rumor has it that the older brother was a bit scared of Santa and didn't want to visit him until baby Frugal Shrink came on the scene...I was working my shrink-y duties at a young age.

Merry Christmas, dear readers!!!


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