The Frugal Shrink Spends: Avocado Delivery

This is NOT a sponsored post.  I do NOT make any money from this blog.

I am a fan of frugality for a purpose, not just for the sake of frugality.  Being frugal allows me to work less, have more freedom, save and pay down debt, give freely, and occasionally indulge in something fun.  

Let's talk about one of the ways that I am indulging in the "something fun" category.  Two words: avocado delivery.  The Avocado Diva is a small business out of California where a woman contracts with local avocado farms and ships fresh, in-season avocados to people who order or have a monthly subscription.  Did you know that California has over 500 varieties of avocados?  I didn't, but I'm getting to sample some of these varieties and they are SO MUCH BETTER than the sad little out-of-season Hass that we get in the grocery stores here.

I'm on the $30 a month plan and it is worth every stinkin' penny.  I'm going through my budget right now and slashed several other expenses...but I kept the avocados.  Here's the Avocado Diva Facebook page if you want more info.

The only down side is when I finish all my avocados early and have to wait a week or two for the next shipment.  First world problems!!


Danavee said…
I love avocados! Must click over.

Unrelated........I like your clothing tags on your hangers in the booth. Very much.
Thanks, Danavee!! They were born of laziness- I was out of safety pins to actually attach the tags and didn't want to go to the store to get more. ;) It was also sooooo much faster to make them like that.
Danavee said…
HA! I JUST went to Wal-Mart for safety pins (for that very reason).

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