Frugal Happenings

Haven't done one of these in a while!!

*Received a $15 check from my credit card rewards which I promptly deposited into my "Gifts" savings account.

*Will receive a ~$50 check from my credit card rewards this month.  This is unusually large because of a big purchase I made several months back.  I try to put most of my purchases on my credit card so that I can get cash back.  

*Stocked up on four pounds of butter while it was under $2 for Easter.  Also bought a couple of bricks of cream cheese at .88 each.

*Have figured out how to do a manicure that lasts most of the week without chipping.  The Gelous nail base from Sally Beauty Supply is worth every cent!!  After the initial Gelous purchase ($5ish), I've spent $0 weekly on manicures.

*Finished my taxes which cost a total of $20 to file.  I am pleasantly getting back ~$200 which is nice since last year I had to pay in 2K.  

*Wanted to spend half of that $200 refund but decided to pacify myself with a $5.99 Kindle download instead.  It worked.

*I downloaded a free Kindle book.

*Continued to save 12% of my salary in my retirement account.  In March I received ~2K from the company that I work for as a match and service contribution.  Free money!!!!!

*Learned that I CANNOT go without taking a probiotic.  Saved some money by purchasing a six month supply off of the Walgreens website.  The probiotic that I use is $22.99 in my local store, but $20.99 on the website.  I waited for a buy one get one free sale, received free shipping, AND received $2.52 back from Ebates.  

*Continued to look for gifts well in advance of birthdays and Christmas.  I am doing a much better job of staying on budget this way.

*Purchased a pair of needed work pants but had them shipped to the local store to save $8 in shipping.  Waited to pick them up until I had other errands in that area.

*I received another $10 off $10 purchase coupon from JC Penney.  I bought two shirts and one gift for $3 out of pocket.

*I have been enjoying reading my huge to-be-read pile and catching up on Netflix.  Simple pleasures!


Danavee said…
You are so good. Let's see........I took a load of clothes to the Review Shoppe? Sooooo I'll see the fruits of that in a few months! ;)
Yay!!!! I LOVE getting money for stuff that has just been sitting around the house- way to go!!!
Darla said…
Just checking in for some frugal inspiration. I've not tried taking clothes to consignment shop, might have to work on that.


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